To make pear juice without using an electric juicer, you must first process the pears into pulp. Wash the pears, remove the core and stems. Cut them into small pieces and put them in a food processor or blender. Blend the pears until they are as smooth as possible. If you don't have a food processor or blender, crush the pears with a knife and place them in a bowl.
Simple Way to Get Pear Juice
Place a fine-mesh sieve over the bowl. If you want to get the pear juice out as cleanly as possible, place a double layer of gauze over the strainer. Pour the pulp or grated pears through the strainer and press well with the back of a spoon. The juice is collected in a bowl at the bottom. Extracting as much juice as possible from the pears takes time and muscle power, and you can't expect to get the same amount of juice as with an electric juicer. If you are using gauze, squeeze the ends together and squeeze the pulp to get the last of the juice out.
ROGA Benton is a qualified chef expert at Fooding Line, New York. She had graduated from the University of Cambridge. She is well experienced in Guava Juices and has an impressive portfolio of serving international clients.